Wednesday 17 October 2012

Who Do You Think Would Win The Debate?

All eyes were on President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney as they participated in the second presidential debate of the 2012 election on Tuesday, October 16, including those in Hollywood!
Anderson Cooper: Very different presidential debate tonight. Much more on point #Obama, #Romney on point as well. What do you think so far?
Ian Somerhalder: Ohh, it looks tense in that room.Glad Im in my living room.Illl try to answer as many questions-lets just think about what is most important
Zooey Deschanel: Tonight’s episode of #newgirl will be a presidential debate. It’s going to be zany and hilarious and much longer than a normal episode.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Maybe @BarackObama is just a procrastinator like me… #debates #Debate2012 Phaedra Parks: Mitt u can’t find qualified women? Where were u lookng b/c I graduated from a womens college full of qualified ppl#Debates
Christopher Manzo: I wish debates were more about what the candidate plans on doing and not how much they think their opponent sucks.
Ryan Seacrest: Candy Crowley holding the reins tight tonight…no shenanigans in her house. #debates
Chris Rock: CNN BREAKING NEWS: This is the first black person Romney has talked to since his last debate w/ Pres Obama last month. #debate

Mary J. Blige: "Great Job on debate Mr. President! I never lost faith in u!"
Jared Leto: Please vote obama so Romney doesn't make us all go to sunday school. And: @JohnnyBNerdy not as simple as that Johnny. But I'm happy to pay more taxes to help all.
David Arquette: "I went to the Olympics" —Mitt Romney
Bill Maher: If the tea party is still voting for this immigrant loving, non tax cutting, birth control loving protectionist they care only about winning
Joy Behar: Romney's plan for immigrants is to make them so miserable that they will beg him to self deport #current2012
Patton Oswalt: This isn't so bad for Romney. He can easily win this without single moms, immigrants, the middle class or all women. #debate
Sarah Silverman: Then give more people the opportunity to BE a two parent family & make gay marriage legal u s--tty person
Wil Wheaton: Mr. Burns, er, Romney: your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular? #ToughQuestionsFromBarry
Aisha Tyler: Yes, Mr. Romney. Why are you against something now that you were for before? Oh, I get it. Because you will say anything to win. #debate
Sandra Bernhard: please do not bring the religious crap into it, you went to France as a missionary you are so detached from what people feel or need in this country women students working class people you have contempt for those struggling 47%
Russell Simmons: great night for Barack! Tomorrow morning, let's get to work! 21 days to win this election! #TeamObama
Eva Longoria: Mitt Romney just completely lied on his stance on contraception—he would put your boss between women and their doctors. And: Landslide victory for Obama. We saw one President for all Americans on that stage tonight, Barack Obama. #Forward
Kate Walsh: Was there a unilateral Fuschia agreement 2 nite?
Michelle Obama reveals iPod playlist, sends husband love for second debate
Michael Moore: Best line of the night: Obama: "Can you say that again, Candy?" (when Candy told Romney he wasn't telling the truth about O and Libya)
Diane Sawyer: We thought the pressure couldn't get any higher. It probably did tonight. Thanks for watching #Debates with us. Good night.
Mark Indelicato: Romney on gun control: get married?
Jesse Tyler Ferguson: That debate was better than a real housewives reunion.
Alyssa Milano: 7.2 million tweets during the debate in total. via @Twitter @HuffPostTech
Chrissy Teigen: WAIT A MINUTE. There are rehearsals where John Kerry plays Mitt Romney and this ISN'T AIRED as some "debate after dark" show??
Aubrey O'Day: If ANYONE on ANY cable/broadcast network says Mitt Romney won this debate or that this was a draw, they are a flat out fool. #debate2012
Josh Malina: "Don't forget to vote" was a weird closer. Why don't you just add " fucking idiots?" #MocktheVote
Ivanka Trump: Both the #President and #Governor ended strongly. What did you think of the #debate.#Election2012
Eliza Dushku: Nice finish #POTUS !
Mario Lopez: Ok, just getting home from long day. I know, I know I missed the debate... Again.. I'm busy! So, who do we think won tonight??#Debate
  Click to watch the debates key moments

So, who do we think won tonight??#Debate

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