Tuesday 27 November 2012

Nigerian Nurse Faces Trial Over the Death of Baby Whom She Circumcised

A four-week-old boy "bled to death" after a home circumcision carried out by a nurse, a court has heard.
Goodluck Caubergs died the day after nurse Grace Adeleye carried out the procedure without anaesthetic, Manchester Crown Court was told.
The jury heard the 66-year-old only used scissors, forceps and olive oil at an address in Chadderton, Greater Manchester in April 2010.
Mrs Adeleye denies manslaughter by gross negligence.

 The court heard the medic and Goodluck's parents are originally from Nigeria, where the circumcision of newborns is the tradition for Christian families.
'Dangers ignored' Mrs Adeleye, of Sarnia Court, Salford, was paid £100 to do the operation as Goodluck's parents did not know the procedure was available on the NHS.
It is alleged the defendant, who is also a midwife, left a "ragged" wound that bled and her post-operative care was inadequate.
The family home, where the procedure took place, is a mile and a half from Royal Oldham Hospital.
Adrian Darbishire QC, opening the case for the prosecution, told the jury: "The allegation essentially here is that the care she provided in the course of that procedure was so bad that not only did it cause the death of that young baby wholly unnecessarily, but it amounted to gross negligence and a crime."
The court heard that up to three children a month are admitted to the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital because of bleeding after home-based circumcisions - a danger the nurse should have been aware of.
Mrs Adeleye went to Goodluck's home on 16 April 2010, telling his mother to fetch some olive oil and a bowl of warm water and stripping the baby to his vest, the jury was told.
'No pain relief' The defendant brought her "instruments" out of her handbag and dipped a pair of scissors into the water in a kidney dish.
She carried out the procedure with no anaesthetic or local pain relief before cleaning the wound with cotton wool and applied a bandage, the court heard.
Between 30 and 40 minutes after surgery, Mrs Adeleye left without making any proper checks on the patient, Mr Darbishire said.
Later, the parents found the bandage had come off the wound, which dripped with blood and there was blood in Goodluck's nappy.
Mr Darbishire said even a small amount of blood loss is dangerous and the loss of just one sixth of a pint of blood can be fatal for a newborn.
A post-mortem examination revealed Goodluck's death was caused by a loss of blood.
The trial continues.

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